Our series " Touch de Score ", is BOWLARD.You can record your bowlard scores, and also view and analyze your score statistics![Features]・Just touch the fallen balls on screen - no need to calculate for yourself!
[Results]・Score・Ranking・Number of total Shots・Number of total Pockets・Number of total Misses・Probability of Successful shots
[Ranking]The top 10 scores will appear in descending order.
[My Data]・Record Start Date・Number of Games・Average Score・Ranking・Best Score・Worst Score・Number of total Frames・Number of Strikes・Strike Probability・Number of Spares・Spare Probability・Number of Open Frame・Open Frame・Number of Giveups
[My Graph]Score:Displays the last 30 game scores as a line graph.Average:Displays the average score as a line graph.